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Truck Camper Cover - Installation Guide

In this installation guide, we will show you what's included with your Truck Camper Cover, pre-installation checklist, how to install and remove it the fast way, how to clean your cover, and some frequently asked questions.

What's Included

  • 1 x Truck Camper Cover
  • 1 x Storage Bag
  • 4 x Rain Gutters Protector
  • 1 x Ladder Cap
  • 1 x Repair Patch
  • 1 x Weighted Buckles Bag

Pre-Installation Checklist

  • Make sure your truck camper is clean before covering. Cleaning will remove any debris and grit that can trap moisture or affect your camper’s finish. A clean camper can’t transfer the dirt to your cover and will make your cover last longer.
  • Look for sharp and “pokey” areas on your camper. Things like your side view mirrors, rain gutters, riveted edges, awnings, and more can cut, puncture, or put excessive pressure on your camper cover. Make sure these areas are padded before installing the cover. Your camper cover comes with a rain gutter and a ladder cap. Makes sure to use these to prevent the gutters and the ladder from ripping the cover.

How to Install your Truck Camper Cover

  • STEP 1: Unpack the Truck Camper cover on a large, flat surface. A clean lawn or smooth driveway will work. Undo any buckles or snaps.
  • STEP 2: Arrange the cover so the outside of the roof section is facing upwards.
  • STEP 3: Identify the front of the cover there is a tag on the inside of the cover that indicates the front of the cover.
  • STEP 4: Fold the sides of the camper cover towards the middle of the roof area. Roll the cover from BACK TO FRONT.
  • STEP 5: Move the rolled-up cover to the roof of your camper, at the FRONT of your camper. Depending on your strength and coordination, you might require some help for this step (assuming you haven’t recruited someone to help with the entire process).
  • STEP 6: With the rolled-up cover at the FRONT of the camper, unroll it towards the back. If the sides of the cover haven’t already started dropping, unfold them so they drape the sides of your camper.
  • STEP 7: Begin your descent down the ladder, installing the ladder cap on your way. Then pull the cover down. (NOTE: Installation does not require you to climb on the roof. A ladder may be used. It is however much easier to install your cover if you are able to safely walk on your camper’s roof.)
  • STEP 8: Before any bottom corner straps are secured, straighten out the cover and make sure all the straps are aligned on the camper so that it’s centered properly. Only then should you secure the bottom corners. Once they are in place. Adjust the straps and buckles located at each end of the Truck CamperCover. Doing so will secure any excess fabric and prevent shifting in light wind.
  • STEP 9: Finally, secure the bottom and middle straps and buckles. Use the weighted buckle bag to help toss the straps beneath your Truck Camper.
  • STEP 10: There you have it; your cover fits perfectly and you did a great job.


  • Do NOT install the cover on a windy day
  • Do NOT install the cover on a slippery roof

Installation is best done with two people and most Truck Campers require working from the roof of the camper.

Be sure that your helper does not pull the cover while you are installing it on the top of the camper.

Installation and removal are safer and easier when done by two people.

How to Remove your Truck Camper Cover

To remove your Truck Camper Cover, simply reverse the how to install process above and return the cover back to the storage bag. To easily fit your cover in the storage bag, fold and roll it tightly rather than stuffing it.

Important: Do NOT store a wet cover in the storage bag or confined area as the cover can be damaged by mildew.

How to Clean your cover

The Truck Camper cover can only be washed by hand. To wash the car cover by hand, simply install the cover on your vehicle and use a water hose to remove all the contaminants, then use a cloth with any multi-purpose cleaner to wash the cover. Apply the water again, then use can use a dry cloth or towel to dry out the cover or simply let it air dry.


  • Do NOT use soap.
  • Do NOT use bleach.
  • Do NOT use fabric softener.
  • Do NOT iron.
  • Do NOT store the cover if wet.
  • Air-dry the cover.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I measure my Truck Camper?

    Length: Measure from the furthest two points of the camper, including bumpers and ladder. If the nose of the camper is rounded, take the measurement from the furthest point forward on the nose.

    Height: Measure the camper sidewalls from the highest point of the roofline down to the outside frame. Exclude ground clearance, roof-mounted accessories, vents, and A/C units.

  • How to know what is the front of the cover?

    All our covers come with a white tag labeled "FRONT". Note: in the event, the tag is not labeled front it is still the front of the cover.

  • What are all those vertical zippers around the cover?

    The zippers on the cover are separated into panels giving you full access to the RV, In some cases, a zipper can be found in the back of the cover as well giving you access to the back.

  • What are the built in straps with velcro in the inside of the cover?

    The built-in straps with velcro are needed only when you open the zipped panels and which to prevent them from collapsing.

  • How to install the ladder cap protection cover?

    Put the ladder cap over the ladder and use the Velcro to tighten the cover in place. The ladder cover is to cover the ladder so it does not cause any rips or tears. It is always better to use the ladder cover.

    The Truck Camper Cover comes with one ladder cap cover. Additional ladder cap covers can be purchase on our site. Click Here.

  • How to install the rain gutter protection cover?

    Simply put the cover over the rain gutters and use the Velcro to tighten them in place. Make sure to use the rain gutter protectors (includes 4) to prevent them from tearing the cover.

    The Truck Camper covers come with 4 rain gutters. Additional rain gutters can be purchase on our site. Click Here.

  • How to use the weighted buckles bag?

    The bag has a black buckle which the straps can attach to. Simply fill the bag with rocks or sand and use to toss the straps underneath the RV.

    All our RV covers come with one weighted buckle bag. Additional weighted buckles bags can be purchase on our site. Click Here.

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